Saturday, May 06, 2006

Abstract- Assessing new literacy perspectives in education

Even though education has mainly more emphasized skills than wisdom at the current time, many examples of this education point out a lack either in reading and writing skills in young students or arguing or analyzing a discipline’s contents in college ones. This paper discusses three solutions for assessing new literacy perspectives in general by considering teaching techniques based on creating writing circles to improve academic skills in the classroom, promoting reading and writing for critical thinking projects, and, learning critical literacy techniques. First, creating faculty writing circles to improve academic skills in classroom is one way to seek for three specifics pedagogical benefits. As a second solution, promoting reading and writing by developing critical thinking projects must work on engaging readers to consider that cultural perspectives of reading influence our understanding and global thinking. Finally, learning critical literacy techniques is another way of helping students to develop useful reading comprehension strategies through establishing connections between reading and writing as a process.

Written by Angelica


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